
Structure Columns

How to generate structure column when exporting

The purpose of this functionnality is to reduce export time by limiting the list of complex columns to generate or to be able to generate the columns you can use to visualize the structure of molecules.

The list of columns to generate can be set in two places: a default value set in global properties, and a per-document value set in the document properties.

Open the Administration Manager (Tools > Administration Manager) and go to the Preferences tab. Here, set the default values for the GenerateXXX properties. These values will be used as default for all new LiveDesign Data Source.

Structure Column Preference

IMPORTANT : Restart Analyst OR restart Webplayer instance for the new preferences to be updated.

You can also specify export in a Spotfire template context, using custom document properties. By default, the document properties inherit from the global properties

Structure Column Document Properties override

If you want to override the list of columns to be generated when using a datasource, simply tick the columns you want on the configuration screen:

Structure column on Analyst

Structure column on web player

This configuration will be saved with the file. And if you reload the data, it will use these parameters.

When opening a template from the LiveDesign Gadget, the list of columns defined in the Spotfire Template will be generated by default.

However, you can change manually override this setting in the gadget. Go to Settings, in the modal window, select the columns you want to generate then Apply.

Structure column on gadget 01